The MC1-1C maneuverable parachute assembly designed by the United States Army in 1988 from the basic MC1-1B canopy is used primarily for a premeditated jump when a precision soft landing in a small target area is necessary.
MC1-1C/D Characteristics
- Shape: Parabolic
- Diameter (nominal): 35 feet (10.7m)
- Gore Material: 1.1 oz, type I Low Porosity 0-5-5.0 ripstop nylon parachute cloth
- Vent Line Material: Type II nylon cord, PIA-C-5040 400 lb (181.8 kg) tensile strength
- No. of Suspension Lines: 30
- Suspension Line Material: Type II nylon cord, PIA-C-5040 400 lb (181.8 kg) tensile strength
- Length of Suspension Line (connector link to lower lateral band): 22 feet (6.7m)
- Maximum Weight Capacity: 360 lbs (163 kg)
- Complete Assembly Weight: 29 lbs (13 kg)
- Steerable: Yes
- Maximum Jump Wind Speed: 15 mph (13 knots)
- Descent Rate (Sea Level): Avg. 18 ft/sec (5.5 m/s)
- Minimum Deployment Altitude: 500 ft (152m)
- Maximum Deployment Speed: 173 mph (150 knots)
- Turn 360 degrees: 8-9 seconds
- Forward Thrust: 9.5 mph (8 knots)
- Age Life: 16.5 years
- Service Life: 12 years
Difference Between Models
MC1-1C: Standard configuration that incorporates a low porosity canopy cloth PIA-C-44378.
MC1-1D: Incorporates the new Universal Static Line with Static Line Snap.
Additional Information
The basic canopy is the same as the MC1-1B except 1993, 1995, and 1996 drawing changes as noted are incorporated:
- The cloth was changed to 0.5-5.0 CFM porosity, specification PIA-C-44378, Type I
- The old eleven (11) orifice design was revised to seventeen (17) orifices in the same 11 of the 30 gores; three (3) openings on Gore Nos. 4 and 26;
- Orifices are tape reinforced horizontally on Gore Nos. 4 and 26 between upper edge at large orifice and lower edge of new lower small opening;
- Shorter (22’) suspension lines are arranged eight (8) lines each instead of seven (7) on the back risers;
- Shorter (25’) control lines are used;
- The 11-3/4” length pocket bands are used instead of the old 8-3/4” length;
- All material colors are new U.S. Army color Foliage Green #504;
- Reinforcement zigzag stitching was added for main seams Nos. 6 through 25 (orifice area only) – 30” length about suspension lines;
- Radial tape cut length is now cut 2-1/4” shorter (17’) to insure cloth fullness in main seam length.
- A Reinforcement tape was added under each bridle line on inside of canopy – main seam #5 and #6; #25 and #26.
- Zigzagged stitched reinforcement on the noted main seams was to provide greater tear resistance of the canopy.
These changes create a fast opening canopy with a gliding type descent rate of approximately 4 to 5 feet per second, with more steerability (forward drive) possible.
All Canopy Assemblies are manufactured in strict accordance with Personnel Parachute U.S. Military Specifications MIL-DTL-6645, MIL-DTL-7567 and MIL-STD-849, latest revisions